This post sent me down a lot of rabbit holes where I tried to justify thoughts like "Wait, where do plums grow? What's in a tinderbox really? What is the oldest recorded music notation?" Now that I've purged myself of this latest dalliance I can return to the megadungeon and encounter table work from earlier. Till then, enjoy.
Starting Item / “I Search the Body” Table (d00)
01 Telescopic Pole – a three foot bamboo rod that telescopes to ten feet.
02 Umash Teeth
– the upper sixteen teeth of one of the baboon-like Umash in a
leather bag, a divinatory aid.
03 Red Fireflies
– glass bottle of the red light-casting waste fireflies, their
light is capable of revealing certain invisible creatures.

05 Prizing Knife
– short curved blade designed to open shellfish and hook out their
06 Tuning Tines
– twelve inch amask steel acoustic resonator.
07 Hrassacock
Feather – the uniquely beautiful red, blue, green, and yellow
tail plume of the hrassacock, a much desired hat decoration and
magical component.
08 Small
Accurate Map – very detailed map of a random nearby location.
09 Umash Kakuluk
– medium sized bongo instrument.
10 Fasinaa Reed
Flute – nimble instrument that produces flute and kazoo type
11 Goboda
Bwamanna – three-stringed gourd instrument.
12 Spidersilk
Rope – fifty foot length of excellent quality weave.
13 Flask of Jen
Jandy – plain flask full of highly alcoholic spirits, has a
flavor similar to spicy root beer.
14 Bottle of Lo
Plum Wine – sweet soporific wine made from the fruit of the Lo
plum trees that grow in the southeastern delta land.
15 Bag of Blue
Herbs – one eighth of an ounce of smokeable herbage, analgesic,
promotes feelings of well-being.
16 Fasinaa
Machete – finely built steel machete, perfectly suited to
hacking through the sticky eastern jungles.

18 Agate Marbles
– fifteen blue, brown, and orange marbles, one slightly larger than
the rest.
19 Vuus Hair
Thread – spool of incredibly fine thread made from the hair of
the Vuus tribe of iele, strong enough to fish with.
20 Violet Lady
Mushroom – single fast-acting psychotropic mushroom, maintains
potency if carefully dried.
21 Dried Spirit
Pepper – a pungent chili spicy enough to burn in the ethereal
22 Animal
Pheromone – the concentrated musk of a random animal from a
nearby environment.
23 Sea Salt –
leather bag of crystallized sea salt, about two cups worth.
24 Umash Crackle
Sticks – three somewhat dangerous “sparklers”.
25 Female
Hensnake – two foot long tubby-bodied domesticated snake, lays
one delicious unfertilized egg once each morning.
26 Cuttle Ink
– blue-black writing ink harvested from a coastal cuttlefish.
27 Finely Carved
Walking Cane – cane made from rare wood and carved with tiny
scenes of decadent city life.

29 Lodestone
– fist-sized rock with a powerful magnetic force.
30 Merchant's
Scale – portable bronze scale with a selection of weights, all
contained in a ten inch wooden box.
31 Large
Inaccurate Map – poorly detailed or scaled map of a random
nearby location.
32 Ceramic Pot
of Lolsanthi Honey – quality honey harvested from the bees
pollen-maddened by Lolsanthi nectar.
33 Crystallized
Sugar – small packet of sugar crystals, attracts insects.
34 Fetish Doll
– crude humanoid figure with a set of pins, currently unattached to
a victim.
35 Barbed
Fishing Net – thrown fishing net with barbed iron hooks.
36 Ara Leaf Oil
– insect repellent made from the Ara bush.
37 Set of Gaming
Dice – three six sided bone dice.
38 Seeing Tube
– primitive telescope, one end makes things look smaller, one end
makes things look bigger.
39 Solidified
Amber – an insect trapped within hardened resin.
40 Resin Incense
– a small wooden box of rich-scented incense with a heavy languorous
41 Colored Chalk
– set of five different colors.
42 Fur Blanket
– heavy blanket made from woolly rhinoceros hide.
43 Oyeb Seeds
– pouch of the incredibly fast growing oyeb vine, a strangling
44 Nuncia Bird
– tiny message carrying bird.
45 Puzzle Box
– small simple release wooden puzzle box.
46 Hollow
Bracelet – copper bracelet with a secret compartment.
47 Oiled Hooded
Cloak – nearly waterproof cloth outer covering.
49 Pallenseil
Poppy Seeds – from the eastern plains and hills, can be planted
or eaten as a pain reliever.
50 Minor Noble
Finery – association with a random noble wizard house.
51 Sachet of
Scouring Sand – razor sharp particulate, good for permanently
damaging eyes or lungs.
52 Cloud Lotus
Powder – when made into tea or a paste for the chest brings a
heavy, restful sleep impossible to resist.
53 Tapping Spile
– a steel tap that can be pounded or drilled into liquid storing
54 Heavy Heat
Resistant Gloves – insulated hand wear able to resist heat and
open flames.
55 Wooden Yoyo
– carved wooden toy, useful as a diversion or an improvised weapon.
56 Quartz Prism
– five inches of clear, faceted quartz crystal.
57 Low Quality
Rickshaw – foot powered conveyance for a single passenger.
58 Presis Conch
Shell – beautiful pastel colored sea snail shell, nearly as
large as a man's head.
59 Vial Necklace
– chain necklace with a metal vial that can be filled with a small
amount of powder or liquid.
60 Clay Funerary
Mask – placid and nearly featureless white clay funerary mask.
61 Deck of
Divining Cards – most decks contain only the prime arca, the
face cards.
63 Three Small
Colored Bean Bags – good for juggling or kicking about.
64 Raku Tea Set
– simple but beautiful teapot and cups for two.
65 Back Strap
Loom – personal and portable loom.
66 Idol of
Se'vensaera / Immacula – lapis or jade idol of one of the more
hopeful of the eight goddesses.
67 Dry Compass
– sensitive portable compass.
68 Pack of
Dominoes – twenty eight gaming bones.
69 Skywatch
Pamphlet – detailing the threat of the Shem and the city's complacency.
Stegotetrabelodon Ivory – six inch piece of
uncarved elephant kin ivory.
71 Shrunken Iele
Head – the dried and shrunken head of an iele man, created by a
remote tribe to trap the soul.
72 Bronze Oil
Lamp – oil burning decorative lamp in the Form of Naude,
goddess of mysteries.
73 Abacus –
stone beads in a wooden frame.
74 Bronze Hookah
– decorative bronze personal hookah with snake skin hose.
75 Stuffed Tree
Shrew – taxidermy of a fearsomely posed omnivorous tree shrew.
76 Tinderbox
– flint, pyrite, and amadou.
77 Wax Tablet
with Iron Stylus – re-writable surface and implement.
78 Iron Choke
Collar with Leash – good for medium and some large size animals
or people.
79 Sack of
Sponges – large cloth bag full of dried natural sea sponges.
80 Tin of
Bitumen – small container of viscous tar.
81 Song of Hours
– carved, words and music, into a wooden cylinder.

83 Barbed Iron
Arrowheads – five wickedly hooked arrowheads.
84 Bag of Snake
Vertebrae – nine of the bones in a felt bag, used for divining.
85 Performance
Cosmetics Kit – bold makeup including face white, rouge, and
86 Leg Irons
– reinforced steel leg restraints, able to fit any medium sized
87 Mamun Coin
– a large gold coin from an ancient civilization, one side shows
the sun, the other a man's face.
88 Fief Farm
Bell – small but loud bronze bell commonly used to keep track
of domesticated animals like loppetts or crenchies.
89 Medicinal
Leeches – glass jar of “polite” leeches, applying one to a
fresh wound will drain venom.
91 Jeweler's
Loupe – low quality single eye magnification device.
92 Steel
Crampons – sharp and sturdy steel crampons.
93 Rolling Stone
– an insect larva encased in stone, rolls the stone around when hot
94 Bird Cage
– finely woven wicker animal cage, capable of holding up to three
tiny creatures.
95 Container of
Grease – oily animal fat grease.
96 Pamphlet of
Minor Sigils – protections for the common man.
97 Goboda Relic
– a tarsal bone of a minor saint, a blessed traveler who fell
while walking the great wheel.
98 Skeleton Key
– generic key that will unlock a family of simple locks.
99 roll
twice, re-rolling 99 - 00
00 roll
three times, re-rolling 99 - 00
This is gold! Actually, far more interesting than gold.