Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Megadungeon: Outline of Minor Dungeon Levels and Features

The Foabeléth Ordirrex, my megadungeon, begins beneath the city of Booezor with six minor dungeons as entrances.  This is a diagram of their levels, features and connections.  Each square on the outline indicates a dungeon map (level one of the sewer is three maps large), each line a connection between maps, and each numbered node a "feature".  Beyond this diagram the minor dungeons eventually connect and continue downward for at least five more levels.
I'd like to fully write up and map the first level of each minor dungeon.  If I can accomplish that I'll see how I feel about the remaining levels, but it isn't exactly my aim to detail this whole megadungeon.  I've got a list of around fifty monsters to be illustrated and stated.

Labrynthyne (3 levels) – a quasi-extradimensional prison structure built to contain magic users. It is filled with creatures that ignore, twist, or feed on magic energies, convicts too dangerous (or hated) to kill, and beings from other planes.
(levels are randomly generated each time it is entered, connections to other areas are random)
1  Astral Passage – permanent connection to the astral plane (lvl 1).
2  The Parasite Ship – an illithid living ship from Quiddath is anchored to this reality here (lvl 2).
3  Nexus – an area of repeatedly folded space, potentially connects to various other points in the megadungeon (lvl 3).

Filth Pits / Refuse Dump (3 levels) – the size of small town and with a population of people to match, the city's dumping grounds have become their own multi-leveled ecosystem and cave complex, eventually meeting the sewers or the twin underground helical rivers.
4  Trash Town – village of monstrous freaks and lepers (lvl 1).
5  The Corpsegrounds – junction of Dump and Tomb, dumping place for bodies of the lowest class citizens (lvl 1).
6  Rusted Reef – an ecology built around the rusted hulks of ancient machinery (lvl 2).
7 Grunglegon the Glutton Wyrm's Lair – the largest and maddest of the Glutton Wyrms makes its home here (lvl 3).
 8  Sludgefalls – junction of Sewer and Dump, empties into Xeeres river which winds down to the underground sea (lvl 3).

Oldcity Sewer System (3 levels) – the functional and nonfunctional sewer systems of several iterations of the city built on top of each other. A huge mess of tunnels and chutes that spans more than twice the length of the city.
9  Sluicedweller Shafts – home to the Fasinaa Sluicedwellers, the descendants of uncivil marsh dwellers whose reactions to outsiders vary (lvl 1).
10 Oldcity Ruins – here the sewer empties through the collapsed and moldering ruins of the oldcity and creates a fetid underground lake (lvl 2).
11 Flooded Halls – junction of Sewer and Tomb, waters from the sewers flood into the tomb passages here, half-filling the halls (lvl 2).
8  Sludgefalls – junction of Sewer and Dump, empties into Xeeres river which winds down to the underground sea (lvl 3).
12 Ekkaslurem the Cistern Wyrm's Lair – the oldest of the Cistern Wyrms and god of the Troggers makes its home here (lvl 3).

Tomb of Mountain's Heart (5 levels) – its earliest parts were dug deep into the heart of the Sculpted Mountain, and the subsequent generational levels were stacked on top of each other one after another as the city grew. It occupies little horizontal space but a great deal of vertical space.
 5  The Corpsegrounds – junction of Dump and Tomb, dumping place for bodies of the lowest class citizens (lvl 1).
13 Necropolis I – the city of the dead frequented by the living mournful (lvl 1).
11 Flooded Halls – junction of Sewer and Tomb, waters from the sewers flood into the tomb passages here, half-filling the halls (lvl 2).
14 Shrine of Ris – a massive silent temple to Ris the goddess of entropy (lvl 2).
16 Sleeping Fossil Veins – junction of Tomb and Mine, the resting place of innumerable ancient creatures, their remains pressed together into undead chimera (lvl 3).
15 Necropolis II – the true city of the dead, only frequented by them (lvl 3).
17 Bone Pentagrammetricon – a great unholy device, a powerful altar for interacting with spirits of the dead (lvl 4).
18 Lich Queen's Throne – one of the elder rulers of Booezor holds her wraith court in the deepest part of the tombs (lvl 5).

Moonmetal Mine (4 levels) – silver IS magic in the “Furthest Lands”, not a currency. Occasionally silver or Moonmetal will rain down from the sky as meteorites. The most closely guarded mine on the lower slopes of Booezor's Sculpted Mountain was once a steady source of the magical metal.
19 Abandoned Shafts – the worked and emptied shafts that bore earlier lodes (lvl 1).
20 The Crystal Gallery – a tremendous crystal-lined cavern (lvl 2).
21 The Overreach (Contested Zone) – junction of Mound and Mine, a battlefield in the war between man and termite (lvl 2).
22 Active Veins – active silver veins (lvl 3).
16 Sleeping Fossil Veins – junction of Tomb and Mine, the resting place of innumerable ancient creatures, their remains pressed together into undead chimera (lvl 3).
23 Corrupted Meteorite – the resting place of an ancient meteorite filled with daemantine, dormant Metal Demons (lvl 4).

Giant Termite Mound (4 levels) – a great nest of giant termites at the base of the sculpted mountain is believed to connect to the deeper parts of the megadungeon.
24 The Sunken Tower – a mage's tower, long fallen into ruin and half swallowed by the mound (lvl 1).
25 Fungus Gardens – vast areas of fungal growth tended by the termites (lvl 2).
21 The Overreach (Contested Zone) – junction of Mound and Mine, a battlefield in the ceaseless war between man and termite (lvl 2).
26 Thliffuthand the Titan's Lair – a colossal beast like a great anteater makes its home here, it is one of the Nine Titans scattered across the continent (lvl 3).
27 Royal Chambers – the primary termite queen's area of the mound (lvl 4).

Friday, June 22, 2018

Megadungeon: Tiers of Booezor with Locations of Note & a Buildings Table

Some information and a diagram dealing with tiers of the magic city of Booezor and its inhabited tiers.  The businesses noted are meant to be a sample of what can be found on each layer, not a complete list of what is there.  Following that is a d100 buildings table for generating neighborhoods and such when needed.

Tiers of the City

I. The Weave, a hanging shantytown and scattered caves hung from the side of the sculpted mountain, difficult to get to, many entrances exist, not considered part of the city proper.
High crime, no Census Objex presence, poor equipment.

The Crusty Cache, weapons and armor warehouse.
Hannah Blanda's Hammocks, a hanging flophouse, cheapest rates in the Cnatka Taer.
The Hanging Garden, a low quality tavern.
Cave of Hours, a low quality tavern and drug den (Hours is the name of the owner).
Mazadam's Heap, general store.
Lidless Yero's Aviary, live birds, and other small animals.

II. Bottomshelf / Beastmile, lower cliff villages each with their own name, difficult to get to, many entrances exist, not considered part of the city proper, and the city's external animal market, a town in itself.
High crime, very low Census Objex presence, poor equipment, excellent creature selection (in Beastmile).

Lolequith's Least Wares, general store.
Stinking Ungents, low quality apothecary.
Coerl Has A Nest, flophouse.
Reechama Thirty Six, low quality lodging.
Gem-Eyes' Rumor House, tavern and gambling den.
Eop's Oddities, general store and curiosity shop.
The Eerie Edge, a low quality tavern and drug den.
Skaskun's Used Arms, used weapons and armor.
Jdgrega's Fighting Animals, livestock.

III. Fruitbasket / Waspnest / the Sprawl, the lowest main level of the city, street after street of markets, shops, residences, taverns, and lodging.
Medium crime, Census Objex presence, standard equipment.

Cup of Chips & the Coinpot Silo, a circular metal building with a diamond motif, the feehouse were duties to the city are paid by every caravan and merchant, and the church-sized squat entryless silo where the fees are stored.
Bustide's Mineral Scrubhouse, baths.
Grebe-chen's Amazing Fruit, specialty and magic fruits.
Arklen's Alchemaestry, apothecary.
The Paper Palace, a brothel.
Lamseda's Layplace, the cheapest and largest flophouse.
Skreefa's Softest Sheets, good quality lodging.
The Purple Cloud, a tavern.
High Sun's Shadow, a low quality tavern.
Ansere's First Sip, a tavern, drug and gambling den.
The Overfull Bowl, a good quality tavern.
Steel Plunjeet, weapons and armor.
Kanzabaa's Marvelous Futures, fortune telling.

IV. Secondmarket / Cindiband, the higher classed and more specialized markets and shops are here, fine work can be purchased, the residences are higher, the entertainment more elaborate.
Low crime, Census Objex presence, second tier equipment.

One Fat Bird, a tavern.
An Honest Cup of Sea, a good quality tavern.
Gardens of Djel, good quality lodging.
Amaskein, good quality weapons.
Shining Turtle, good quality armor.
Thirsty Flaskin's Potions, potions, oils, tinctures.
The Sleepy Peeper, good quality lodging, drug den.

V. Lighttown, high class everything, hotels, night life, gambling, street noble culture, everyone wears disposable magic light junk, and revels in public excess.
Low crime, Census Objex presence, third tier equipment.

Neverever Club, a quality tavern, brothel, and gambling house.
The Lighthouse, a quality tavern, brothel, and gambling house.
The Booezor Shiaris, quality lodging.
Silver Star, quality weapons.
Dragon's Head, quality armor.
Seven-Winged Swift, quality lodging, tavern.

VI. Stoneforest, bridge-connected highspires house the super-rich, the mage elite, and their clustered entertainments.
Only high class crime, high Census Objex presence, all equipment

The Candriar Library, a library.
Garma Merilkian's Zoo, park zoo.
Primeris Club, a high quality tavern, brothel, and gambling house.
The Szandikan, high quality lodging.
First Sphere, arena entertainment.

VII. Precious Pillars, the highest and most improbable towers belong to the most venerable Children, some unaligned magi, the ultra-rich (1%), and the oldest wizard houses.
Only high class crime, high Census Objex presence, all equipment.

House Aldabodath, a noble wizard clan.
House Primis, a noble wizard clan.
House Nyremn, a noble wizard clan.
House Gaerabin, a noble wizard clan.

VIII. The Egg, a permanent physical extrusion, made of pure magic, of a vast extradimensional space that serves as the campus of the Children. Truly there is a palace within the space the Egg describes.
No crime, highest Census Objex presence.

House of the Second Lens, an oracular focus device.
The Librariax Ovum, the great library of the Children.
The Azure Palace, high council seat of the Children.

Booezor Buildings Table (d100)

01 Advocate
02-04 Animal Dealer / Breeder
05-06 Apothecary
07-08 Arena Sphere
09-11 Armorer
12 Bakery
13-14 Bookbinder
15-16 Bowyer/Fletcher
17 Brewery
18-20 Brothel
21-22 Butcher
23-24 Chandler
25-26 Component Shop
27 Court
28-29 Curiosity Shop
30-31 Drug Den
32-34 Flophouse
35-36 Fortuneteller
37-38 Furrier
39 Gallery
40-41 Gambling Den
42-44 General Store
45 Glassworks
46-47 Healer
48-50 Hotel
51-52 Jeweler
53-55 Locksmith
56-57 Mall (indoor market)
58-59 Mason
60-61 Moneychanger
62 Muralist / Painter
63-65 Private Residence
66-67 Salon
68 Sanitarium
69-71 Scholar
72-73 Scribe
74 Sculptor
75-76 Shrine
77-79 Storehouse
80-81 Tailor
82-83 Tanner
84-87 Tavern
88-89 Temple
90 Theater
91 Watchtower
92-94 Weaponsmith
95 Weaver
96-98 Winery
99-00 Misc. Entertainment

 I am hard at work on the early minor dungeon levels themselves at this point, so more megadungeon junk to follow.  Till next time.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Megadungeon: The Moonmetal Mine Encounter Table (d30)

This is it, the final minor dungeon encounter table, 6/6 the Moonmetal (Magical Silver) Mine.  I actually finished a series of a thing, lookit that.  That means there's hope for completion of my playable races and the other primary encounter tables, the d100 ones.  I still have badlands, seas, general subterranean and probably a bunch more left to do.
Anyway the previous minor dungeon encounter tables are:

Moonmetal Mine (d30)
1. Moon Mites – flat, chrome-shelled arachnids with bolt cutter jaws, found dormant in fallen moonrocks, their bodies are incredibly hard and shatter all but the finest weapons, they now continuously plague the living creatures of the mines when new clusters are discovered.
2. Excavator Golem – powerful steel monstrosity prone to disasterous break downs and dangerous accidents, equipped with two jackhammer arms and a drill bit head.
3. EEKs – Explosive Excavation Konstructs, small ambulatory bomb creatures, they come in a range of sizes, their only attacks are a nasty bite and devastating self destruction.
4. Xyrx – creature of elemental earth, like a starfish with only three arms, there are purple gem-like eyes between each arm, and three-jawed toothy mouth opening in the center of each side, the whole creature is fifteen feet across and moves through solid rock like air hunting for delicious gemstones and rare metals.
5. Cannontail – 15' long rock-eating reptile, combines minerals in special glands and fires a kind of molten cannonball from its false head tail, migrate from the depths to here for the delicious mining scree and deposits of salts.
6. Environmental Encounter (1d4)
   1. Sinkhole – 50% collapse on themselves, 50% empty into a lower area.
   2. Warped Magic Zone – area of chaotic magical effects, some local wildlife are attracted here.
   3. Active Spirits – nature spirits here are active, driven wild with the presence of all the hidden silver, they want to madden the “invaders” with visions of the deeps.
   4. Untapped Silver Vein – hereto untouched lode of the precious moon metal silver, only about a handfull of sp worth.

7. Earth Elemental – most are bound and summoned to move stone or guard the precious veins in the tunnels.
8. Metal Mimic – able to assume the forms of metallic objects, veins of shining ore, weapons, tools, etc., at rest a dull liquid metal.
9. Slave Miners – mainly kept for the finest work, they either pick away with tiny tools at the thin veins of silver that remain or mine other metals and salt.
10. Guardian Golem (Iron) – massive humanoid construct of blackened iron, its arms are formed into giant sledgehammers that fit together to create a tower shield.
11. Guardian Golem (Steel) massive humanoid construct of burnished amask steel, it carries a masterwork steel greatspear in each hand.
12. Moonmythus Agents – unauthorized and secretive silver seekers from the Moonmythus group, suspicious of others if not downright hostile.
13. Shard Leech Scree - razor-edged stones used as the shell of a 4"-14" land mollusc, hide in areas of loose rock waiting for man size or larger prey, throw themselve en masse at a target, pierce flesh and release a mild paralytic venom, drink their fill of blood, fall out of the target, and move away from the remains.
14. Silverdust Spectre – tormented spirit seen in the swirling forms of silvery dust, swallows years of life from its victims while desperately trying to embrace them.
15. Quicksilver Serpent – thirty feet long and thick as a man, an incredibly rapid moving serpent with a thrashing whip-like tail, and a venomous bite that causes madness.
16. Metallic Ants – giant steel, copper, and gold colored ants from somewhere deep underground, while they behave much like standard giant ants, they supplement their diet with small amounts of metals, gold seems the most desirable while silver seems to be an intoxicant.
17. Noble Family Wizard (1d4) – always accompanied by a retinue of guards/golems, here to inspect their share of the mine asset.
   1. Aldabodath Clan
   2. Gaerabin Clan
   3. Nyremn Clan
   4. Primis Clan

18. Silverspine Dragon – relatively small steely-scaled wurm with rows of silvery spines down its back, along its forelimbs, and along its non-functional battering wings, it breathes a cloud of hallucinatory gas that confuses foes, and has a certain ability to pluck random useful spells from the aether that are drawn to its silvered body.
19. Giant Tamed Moles – hut-sized domesticated moles used for excavating and guarding shafts, usually accompanied by drivers with mole picks.
20. Viral Crystal – blade straight glittering crystal clusters, easily slice through clothes and skin and begin crystal infections that continue to cut and weigh down the body.
21. Fossil Chimera – several unrelated ancient animals, their remains fused into a skeletal monstrosity maddened by competing instincts, millions of years, and the magical influence of the lodes of moonmetal.
22. Whisperer - resembles a bipedal, wingless, bat about five feet tall, with the v-shaped chests and long forelimbs of a bat, but clawed hands, two of the fingers are rigid and end in large hooked claws, useful in climbing, it is intelligent and can mimic most voices and animal sounds, but is bad at creative improvisation.
23. Xiphid – person possessed by a daemantine weapon, a Metal Demon from beyond the starless blackness of the cursed season, the silver deposits in the mine call out to them and the lesser ones find themselves drawn here.
24. Guardian Demon – bound and summoned demons of violent hate, unable to interact with most beings they are aware of in the mine, their reaction to intruders is swift and disproportionate.
25. Mineral Dryads – spirits of living rock with female forms, agitated by the mining operations they trap mortals within gemstones, or lure them to their deaths.
26. Bats (1d4)
   1. Cave Stirges – blood-drinking cave animals unrelated to bats, inflict continuously bleeding wounds.
   2. Giant Bats – large predatory bats incapable of lifting a man, but will attempt to sever limbs with their wicked, oversized fangs.
   3. Carapace Bats – non-flying specialist bats who have taken the place of piercers, they hide with rocky wings folded around themselves for prey to hurl themselves into.
   4. Cloak Bats – intelligent, magic-using bats prized for their skins and wing membranes.
27. Skeletal Laborers – animate skeletons tasked with the most backbreaking work, they will attack anything interfering with their tasks.
28. Guard Bulettes – fitted with steel reinforced cranial and dorsal plating, these bulettes are set loose upon tresspassers, thieves and the occassional uncooperative (or incompetent) miners.
29. (Roll on Adjacent Area Table)
30. Special*

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

GLOG Wizard - Numismagus

 My first foray into creating a GLOG class, a new wizard school.  Since Skerples made it so easy to do yourself in a recent post I had been thinking about my Numismagi (it's just too good of a word not to be a class).  Tell me what you think, I'll be back to finish off those minor dungeon encounter tables soon.

GLOG Wizard - Numismagus

The Numismagi, the Coin Wizards, are a newer school from Booezor, the city of riches. They are by nature nobles and social climbers, most comfortable in a world where money equals power. Their powers function best against other people rather than monsters, and their general level of magical strength is comparable to an Orthodox Wizard.


Lucky Coin – You start with a lucky coin that is your magical focus, you may never spend it or give it away.
Mo' Money - Containers you personally open contain 1d6x10% more coinage.


Insufferable Skinflint – Your love of money is so great that you must make a save to purchase any non-essential item, if you fail you may still purchase the item if you can negotiate at least a 50% discount in price.
Penny for Your Trouble – All your spells consume a coin per MD used if no other cost is mentioned.


1. Conjure Useful Coin – (1/hour) – creates a real copper coin in a local currency, if this is your only coin, it becomes your lucky coin.
2. Sense Cache – (at will) – You can sense large accumulations (100+) of coins within 100'.
3. Numismancy – (at will) – You know the validity, origin, and value of any coin. You are familiar with the face imagery of all known coins.


1. Glittering GlamourR: 0, T: self, D: [dice] hours
The caster's appearance grows in opulence, and gains +2x[dice] bonus to saves vs Domination, Charm, or Fear effects. The caster appears as a person of a higher social station, and inspires fear in those of a lower caste.
2. Speaking Coin – R: touch, T: one gold coin, D: [dice] hours
The caster breaks a gold coin into the two face halves. Sounds within 10' of the tails side can be heard by the holder of the heads side and vice versa. If you invest 4 [dice] or more into this spell, the duration becomes permanent.
3. Light – R: touch, T: object or creature, D: [dice]x2 hours
Object illuminates as a torch, with a radius of 20’+[dice]x10’. Alternatively, you can make an Attack roll against a sighted creature. If you succeed, the creature is blinded for [sum] rounds. If [sum] is greater than 12, the creature is permanently blinded. You can chose the color of the light. If you invest 4 [dice] or more this light has all the qualities of natural sunlight. Alternatively, if you invest 4 [dice] or more the light can be purest octarine, although it will only last for 1 round. Octarine light is extremely dangerous.
4. Coin Toss – R: 200', T: creature, D: 0
You flip a coin and call the result, if your face comes up the target takes [sum] damage and saves vs. dexterity or is stunned for one round, if your face does not come up you and the target each take one damage. You may flip the coin again and act as if the spell is cast with one fewer MD until you have no MD left.
5. Command Coins – R: 30’, T: [sum]x100 coins, D: [dice] hours
Coins will leap up and obey your single-word commands. Affects all unattended coins in 30' of you and lasts 1 hour. Coins can be commanded to follow you, hide in crevices, or serve as rollers for heavy statues, but they are mindless and feeble.
6. Scrying Coins – R: touch, T: coins, D: 10 minutes
Ask [dice] number of questions of a handful of strewn coins. Older and more valuable coins have more amassed knowledge. Using more coins can also be helpful
7. Charm Person – R: 50', T: person, D: [dice] hours
The person regards you as a good friend and ignores the obvious spell you just cast on them. If you invest 4 [dice] or more into this spell, the duration becomes permanent.
8. Knock – R: 50', T: [dice] objects, D: 0
Object is opened. Doors are flung wide, locks are broken, shackles are bent open, belts come undone. Treat this as a Strength check made with Str 10 + [dice]x4. If target is an armored creature, Save or armor falls off. If target is an unarmored creature, Save or vomit for 1d4 rounds.
9. Coin Cloak – R: touch, T: person, D: 10 minutes
Creates a scaled cloak of glittering golden coins. Reduce all physical damage the target takes by [dice]x2. The target cannot swim, jump, or run.
10. Coin of Fortune – R: touch, T: coins, D: [dice] hours
You create [dice] magic coins, each can be flipped once by the bearer for advantage on any roll.

11. Gold Piece Rain – R: 200', T: 20’ diameter, D: 0
Does [sum] damage. As fireball except that the caster flips a coin into the air, which becomes a rain of giant glowing coins that disappear on impact, and the damage is all crushing damage. Doesn't work in places with low ceilings (less than 100').
12. Coin Collector – R: touch, T: creature, D: [dice] hours
The target is transformed into a gold coin whose face side bears their likeness. Unwilling targets save vs. spells with a penalty of -2 for each MD invested after the first. If you invest 4 [dice] or more into this spell, you may have the duration become permanent.

1. Magic Dice only return to your pool on a 1-2 for 24 hours.
2. Take 1d6 damage.
3. Random mutation for 1d6 rounds, then make a save. Permanent if you fail.
4. Your money spills from its various containers on your person, 1-30% is lost.
5. You have a sudden compulsion for reckless gambling that lasts three sleepless days.
6. All your money-making endeavors fail for one week.


1. Lose all your current money, both stored and on hand.
2. You become the target of a dedicated guild of expert thieves. Every time you make money, they seem to find out immediately and rob you blind at the next opportunity.
3. Your lucky coin tarnishes black, you cannot Conjure Useful Coin. Any money you acquire crumbles to dust.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Megadungeon: The Labrynthyne Encounter Table (d30)

5/6 of the entry minor dungeon encounter tables for the Foabeléth Ordirrex, the megadungeon beneath Booezor.  Previous tables here, here, here, and over here.  Nearly there now, the next and last one is the Moonmetal Mine, which is more construct and humanoid-centric.

The Labrynthyne
1. Xeazeon – energy being and trap for magically talented souls, a small crystalline polygon, transparent but glowing from within, surrounded by three or more powerful wizard spirits bound into an incandescent lattice, multicasts and resists many magics.

2. Labrynthyne Tracker/Courser – biomagical constructs created to track and harry those who are trapped here, like sleek plastic dogs, they smell individual magical signatures and disable their targets at the throat and wrists.
3. Skoshola – hulking blue-grey quadrupedal beast larger in the front, like a huge bear with a cluster of fleshy petals for a head and a great mouth bisecting its chest, they seek to eat magic users above all else.
4. Dreamer – what appear to be some sort of fetal creatures, each physically different, blissfully asleep inside iridescent bubbles, they are near indestructible observational presences from another world and warp reality around their positions.
5. World Sphinx – woman and beast on a great scale, an oracle and executioner in one who reads magical fortunes with the Seeing Cards that can maim and kill.
6. Flying Eye – “evil eye” monsters, small and rapid in their chiropteran flight, they have various gaze attacks depending on their iris color.
7. Gremlin – living metamagical distortions with a dangerous and annoying sense of humor.
8. Mind Thief – a great floating mass of tentacles, jointed mouthparts, and innumerable eyes, attached to a bloated sack of a body covered with foot-long lumps, the lumps are the stolen brains of spellcasters which make the creature the natural opponent to the illithid races.
9. Ethwuu – tiny tube-snouted, armless creature, flies on the lazy flapping of several “petals” of skin around its neck, sips the magic from enchanted items and lasting spells with its hummingbird tongue.
10. Wizard Convict – powerful learned magic prodigy, dangerous or disruptive enough to the city to be banished here.
11. Census Objex Warden – special heavily outfitted member of the city's “magical authority”, generally here to interrogate or retrieve an important exile, always accompanied by two or more Coursers (2) .
12. Warder Magarchitect – master transmuter here to repair or reinforce the physical and intangible structures that make the Labrynthyne, always accompanied by several Lamellar Worms (28), necessary for the work.
13. Sorceror Convict – powerful natural magical talent inherited from ancient sorcerous bloodlines, dangerous or disruptive enough to the city to be banished here.
14. Illithid – squid-headed, wasted-bodied beings from a world called Quiddath, accidentally connected to the Labrynthyne, they possess powerful magical and mental powers and excel in bioengineering.
15. Lyrathid – illithid stock heavily bioengineered into psionic stealth operatives who move and kill with boneless grace, sometimes armed with living weapons.
16. Zegrathid – illithid stock heavily bioengineered into psionic hyperphysical destroyers, their bodies plated with chitin and their facial tentacles overlarge, sometimes armed with living weapons.
17. Extra-Material Butterflies – hyper-real, near incandescent, blue, green and pink, more existent than visitors to this place and capable of softly flapping a cauterized hole through their bodies as if they were smoke.
18. Sword Arcana – made by the Census Objex, living magic glyph in the sign of the sword, bears destruction magics, succumbs to restoration magics.
19. Slavecrown Spider – magical arachnid with a concave body shaped like a helmet or crown, attaches to a person's head and dominates them.
20. Environmental Encounter (1d4)
   1. Dead Magic Zone – area of nullified magical effects, local wildlife avoids these places.
   2. Portal – leading to a random potentially and probably lethal alternate reality, a lower vibrational plane, or an elemental plane.
   3. Warped Magic Zone – area of chaotic magical effects, some local wildlife are attracted here.
   4. Quiddath Incursion – reality's fabric is weak here, and the Illithid dimension of Quiddath forces itself through altering even the laws of physics.

21. Coin Arcana – made by the Census Objex, living magic glyph in the sign of the coin, bears choice magics, succumbs to trasmutation magics.
22. Living Spell – powerful magics that escaped and changed as they were cast, now sentient but unable to cast themselves they flit about as energy beings waiting for a strong enough magic-user to possess and live through.
23. Pulstar – five tiny stars in a sphere of pulsing translucent gel, hooks like sparks at the ends of four filaments of light, influences all spells in a 30' area with its pulsing and until this is known, magics used against it will go wild or fail outright.
24. Wand Arcana – made by the Census Objex, living magic glyph in the sign of the wand, bears creation magics, succumbs to destruction magics.
25. Riftwalker – humanoids with features elfin and alien, mauve hairless faces and thin, rubbery, four-armed bodies, they are able to manipulate and even ignore the environment of this place.
26. Astral Child – giant fat and glittering opalescent infant, it has wandered into this psuedo-plane and rages with its incredibly hard skin and strength of twenty men with closed eyes.
27. Grail Arcana – made by the Census Objex, living magic glyph in the sign of the grail, bears change magics, succumbs to abjuration magics.
28. Lamellar Worm – iridescent annelids from whose byproducts the structure of the Labrynthyne are woven, non-aggressive but capable of breaking down any solid matter to create their building material.
29. (Roll on Adjacent Area Table)
30. Special *