This is it, the final minor dungeon encounter table, 6/6 the Moonmetal (Magical Silver) Mine. I actually finished a series of a thing, lookit that. That means there's hope for completion of my playable races and the other primary encounter tables, the d100 ones. I still have badlands, seas, general subterranean and probably a bunch more left to do.
Anyway the previous minor dungeon encounter tables are:
Moonmetal Mine
1. Moon Mites –
flat, chrome-shelled arachnids with bolt cutter jaws, found dormant
in fallen moonrocks, their bodies are incredibly hard and shatter all
but the finest weapons, they now continuously plague the living
creatures of the mines when new clusters are discovered.
2. Excavator
Golem – powerful steel monstrosity prone to disasterous
break downs and dangerous accidents, equipped with two jackhammer
arms and a drill bit head.
3. EEKs –
Explosive Excavation Konstructs, small ambulatory bomb creatures,
they come in a range of sizes, their only attacks are a nasty bite
and devastating self destruction.
4. Xyrx –
creature of elemental earth, like a starfish with only three arms,
there are purple gem-like eyes between each arm, and three-jawed
toothy mouth opening in the center of each side, the whole creature
is fifteen feet across and moves through solid rock like air hunting
for delicious gemstones and rare metals.
6. Environmental
Encounter (1d4)
1. Sinkhole
– 50% collapse on themselves, 50% empty into a lower area.
2. Warped Magic
Zone – area of chaotic magical effects, some local wildlife
are attracted here.
3. Active
Spirits – nature spirits here are active, driven wild with the
presence of all the hidden silver, they want to madden the
“invaders” with visions of the deeps.
4. Untapped
Silver Vein – hereto untouched lode of the precious moon metal
silver, only about a handfull of sp worth.
7. Earth
Elemental – most are bound and summoned to move stone or
guard the precious veins in the tunnels.
8. Metal Mimic
– able to assume the forms of metallic objects, veins of shining
ore, weapons, tools, etc., at rest a dull liquid metal.
9. Slave
Miners – mainly kept for the finest work, they either pick
away with tiny tools at the thin veins of silver that remain or mine
other metals and salt.
10. Guardian
Golem (Iron) – massive humanoid construct of blackened iron,
its arms are formed into giant sledgehammers that fit together to
create a tower shield.
11. Guardian
Golem (Steel) – massive humanoid construct of burnished
amask steel, it carries a masterwork steel greatspear in each hand.
12. Moonmythus
Agents – unauthorized and secretive silver seekers from the
Moonmythus group, suspicious of others if not downright hostile.
13. Shard Leech
Scree - razor-edged stones used as the shell of a 4"-14"
land mollusc, hide in areas of loose rock waiting for man size or
larger prey, throw themselve en masse at a target, pierce flesh and
release a mild paralytic venom, drink their fill of blood, fall out
of the target, and move away from the remains.
14. Silverdust
Spectre – tormented spirit seen in the swirling forms of
silvery dust, swallows years of life from its victims while
desperately trying to embrace them.
15. Quicksilver
Serpent – thirty feet long and thick as a man, an incredibly
rapid moving serpent with a thrashing whip-like tail, and a venomous
bite that causes madness.
16. Metallic
Ants – giant steel, copper, and gold colored ants from
somewhere deep underground, while they behave much like standard
giant ants, they supplement their diet with small amounts of metals,
gold seems the most desirable while silver seems to be an intoxicant.
17. Noble Family
Wizard (1d4) – always accompanied by a retinue of
guards/golems, here to inspect their share of the mine asset.
1. Aldabodath
2. Gaerabin Clan
3. Nyremn Clan
4. Primis Clan
18. Silverspine
Dragon – relatively small steely-scaled wurm with rows of
silvery spines down its back, along its forelimbs, and along its
non-functional battering wings, it breathes a cloud of hallucinatory
gas that confuses foes, and has a certain ability to pluck random
useful spells from the aether that are drawn to its silvered body.
19. Giant Tamed
Moles – hut-sized domesticated moles used for excavating and
guarding shafts, usually accompanied by drivers with mole picks.
20. Viral Crystal
– blade straight glittering crystal clusters, easily slice through
clothes and skin and begin crystal infections that continue to cut
and weigh down the body.

22. Whisperer
- resembles a bipedal, wingless, bat about five feet tall, with the
v-shaped chests and long forelimbs of a bat, but clawed hands, two of
the fingers are rigid and end in large hooked claws, useful in
climbing, it is intelligent and can mimic most voices and animal
sounds, but is bad at creative improvisation.
23. Xiphid –
person possessed by a daemantine weapon, a Metal Demon from beyond
the starless blackness of the cursed season, the silver deposits in
the mine call out to them and the lesser ones find themselves drawn
24. Guardian
Demon – bound and summoned demons of violent hate, unable to
interact with most beings they are aware of in the mine, their
reaction to intruders is swift and disproportionate.
25. Mineral
Dryads – spirits of living rock with female forms, agitated by
the mining operations they trap mortals within gemstones, or lure
them to their deaths.
26. Bats
1. Cave
Stirges – blood-drinking cave animals unrelated to bats,
inflict continuously bleeding wounds.
2. Giant
Bats – large predatory bats incapable of lifting a man, but
will attempt to sever limbs with their wicked, oversized fangs.
3. Carapace
Bats – non-flying specialist bats who have taken the place
of piercers, they hide with rocky wings folded around themselves for
prey to hurl themselves into.
4. Cloak
Bats – intelligent, magic-using bats prized for their skins
and wing membranes.
27. Skeletal
Laborers – animate skeletons tasked with the most backbreaking
work, they will attack anything interfering with their tasks.
28. Guard
Bulettes – fitted with steel reinforced cranial and dorsal
plating, these bulettes are set loose upon tresspassers, thieves and
the occassional uncooperative (or incompetent) miners.
29. (Roll on
Adjacent Area Table)
30. Special*
These tables are very inspiring. Looking forward to reading more articles about your megadungeon!